Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring an Electrician

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring an Electrician

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When it comes to electrical work in your home or business, it’s important to hire a qualified and experienced electrician. Electrical issues can be dangerous and can cause damage to your property if not handled properly. As a homeowner or business owner, it’s important to have reliable and qualified electricians on hand for any electrical issues or projects. But hiring the wrong electrician can lead to costly mistakes and potentially dangerous situations. Here are some key points to consider when hiring an electrician.

Look for a licensed electrician

Look for a licensed electrician

In Australia, electricians are required to hold a valid electrician’s licence issued by the relevant state or territory licensing authority. This licence is necessary to legally perform electrical work in Australia. The requirements and processes for obtaining an electrician’s licence vary depending on the state or territory. Tips on how to find an electrician:

  • Search online for electricians in your area and check their websites for licensing information
  • Contact your local electrical licensing board or trade association for a list of licensed electricians in your area
  • Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or other professionals, such as plumbers or builders

Check for experience

Experience is crucial when it comes to electrical work. An experienced electrician will have a deep understanding of electrical systems and will be able to troubleshoot and solve any issues that may arise. Ask for references from past clients and contact them to enquire about the electrician’s experience and quality of work. Check the electrician’s licensing and certification to ensure they have the necessary qualifications and experience. If in doubt, ask the electrician about their experience and specific types of jobs they have completed in the past. Make sure to look for reviews and ratings online from other customers to get a sense of the electrician’s reputation and experience.

The Cheapest may not be the Best Pick

The Cheapest may not be the Best Pick

Going with the cheapest option may be an attractive option. It’s understandable to want to save money on hiring an electrician, but going with the cheapest option may not always be the best decision. Cheap electricians may cut corners and use subpar materials, leading to future issues and costly repairs. It’s worth investing in a reputable and experienced electrician. By avoiding this mistake, you can ensure that you hire a qualified and reputable electrician who can handle your electrical needs safely and efficiently. Don’t take shortcuts when it comes to your electrical system – it’s worth investing in a professional electrician.

Ask for References

A reputable electrician will be happy to provide references from past clients. This will give you an idea of the quality of work they do and how satisfied their clients are.

Get multiple estimates. It’s a good idea to get estimates from multiple electricians before deciding. This will give you an idea of the market rate for the work you need done and will help you make an informed decision.

Ask about their Insurance

Accidents can happen during electrical work, so it’s important to hire an electrician who is properly insured. This will protect both you and the electrician in case of any mishaps.

In Australia, house insurance policies typically include cover for damage caused by visiting electricians to the property and its contents. This may include damage to electrical wiring, appliances, and other property damage caused by the electrician’s work. The policy may also provide coverage for third-party liabilities, such as injuries sustained by the electrician or any other person on the property during the course of their work. Check your home insurance PDS to check on any legal liability cover you may be entitled to.

Things to NOT do when hiring an electrician

Things to NOT do when hiring an electrician:

  • Not checking the electrician’s credentials and licensing.
  • Not getting multiple quotes and comparing prices.
  • Hiring the cheapest electrician without considering their experience and reputation.
  • Not clarifying the scope of work and the estimated cost before hiring.
  • Not asking for references and checking their previous work.
  • Not having a written contract that outlines the terms of the agreement.
  • Not communicating clearly and openly with the electrician about the project and any concerns.
  • Not following up on the work to ensure it is completed to your satisfaction.
  • Not paying attention to safety standards and regulations.
  • Not considering the long-term costs and benefits of the electrical work.
Look no further than Newcastle Trades!

Look no further than Newcastle Trades!

As a trusted and reputable electrical company in the area, we have a team of highly skilled and certified electricians who can handle any electrical job, big or small. With years of experience under our belt, we have the knowledge and expertise to avoid common mistakes that many homeowners make when hiring an electrician. We understand that electrical work can be complex and daunting, which is why we offer transparent and upfront pricing, as well as clear communication throughout the entire process. We will never surprise you with hidden fees or surprise charges.

In addition, we pride ourselves on our commitment to safety. Our electricians follow all industry standards and regulations to ensure that your electrical work is completed safely and to the highest quality. Don’t take any chances with your electrical needs. Trust the experts at Newcastle Trades to avoid mistakes and get the job done right the first time. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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